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- /**
- * === Custom events ===
- */
- Lazarus.Event = {};
- //hash table of active handlers
- Lazarus.Event.handlers = {};
- /* == list of firefox events ==
- window-load :Window has loaded, gBrowser has been initalized
- application-startup :first window has loaded.
- application-shutdown :last window has closed
- window-unload :Window is unloading
- lazarus-installed :Lazarus has been installed for the first time.
- lazarus-updated :Extension is updating to a newer version.
- extension-uninstall(ext) :Extension has been uninstalled, and browser is closing.
- extension-uninstall-request(ext) :User has asked to have extension uninstall at new browser start.
- extension-uninstall-cancel(ext) :User has cancelled previous uninstall request.
- */
- /**
- * Add an event to the event queue
- * create a new queue if one doesn't already exist
- */
- Lazarus.Event.add = function(id, func){
- //keep the handlers case insensitive
- id = id.toLowerCase();
- //do not allow the same event to be added more than once.
- var handlers = Lazarus.Event.handlers[id] || [];
- for (var i=0; i<handlers.length; i++){
- if (handlers[i] === func){
- //handler already exists
- return false;
- }
- }
- handlers.push(func);
- Lazarus.Event.handlers[id] = handlers;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Remove an event from the event queue
- * Does nothing if the event doesn't exist in the queue
- */
- Lazarus.Event.remove = function(id, func){
- id = id.toLowerCase();
- var handlers = Lazarus.Event.handlers[id] || [];
- var newHandlers = [];
- for (var i=0; i<handlers.length; i++){
- if (handlers[i] != func){
- newHandlers.push(handlers[i]);
- }
- }
- Lazarus.Event.handlers[id] = newHandlers;
- }
- /**
- * Triggers an event
- * Passes additional argument object to each of the event handlers in turn
- * if any event handler returns FALSE, then event will halt (no more handlers will be called)
- */
- Lazarus.Event.fire = function(id, args){
- if (args){
- Lazarus.debug("fire event: "+ id, args);
- }
- else {
- Lazarus.debug("fire event: "+ id);
- }
- id = id.toLowerCase();
- var handlers = Lazarus.Event.handlers[id] || [];
- for (var i=0; i<handlers.length; i++){
- try {
- if (handlers[i](args) === false){
- break;
- }
- }
- catch(e){
- Lazarus.error(e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * return the number of current firefox windows
- */
- Lazarus.Event.numOfBrowserWindows = function(){
- //Use the nsIWindowManager to get a list of browser windows
- var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var en = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- var c = 0;
- while(en.hasMoreElements()) {
- c++;
- en.getNext();
- }
- return c;
- }
- /**
- * fire load and startup events
- */
- Lazarus.Event.onWinLoad = function(){
- if (gBrowser && !Lazarus.Event.onWinLoad.fired){
- Lazarus.Event.onWinLoad.fired = true;
- window.removeEventListener("load", Lazarus.Event.onWinLoad, false);
- //check for updates/install events
- var currBuild = Lazarus.getVersionStr();
- var prevBuild = Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.version");
- Lazarus.setPref("extensions.lazarus.version", currBuild);
- //KLUDGE: moving to using version string to look for updated versions
- if (!prevBuild && Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.build", 0)){
- Lazarus.killPref("extensions.lazarus.build", 0)
- prevBuild = "0.0.0";
- }
- if (!prevBuild){
- Lazarus.Event.fire("lazarus-installed");
- }
- else if (Lazarus.versionCompare(currBuild, prevBuild) == 1){
- Lazarus.Event.fire("lazarus-updated", prevBuild);
- }
- Lazarus.Event.fire("window-load");
- //if this is the first window, fire startup
- if (Lazarus.Event.numOfBrowserWindows() == 1){
- Lazarus.Event.fire("application-startup");
- }
- //look for webprogress events
- Lazarus.Event.progressListener.init();
- }
- }
- /**
- * handle the onunload event.
- */
- Lazarus.Event.onWinUnload = function(evt){
- //the onUnload event if fired for a whole bunch of stuff
- //including a couple of times at startup, so we need to make sure it's
- //the XUL document that is unloading.
- if (evt.target === document){
- window.removeEventListener("unload", Lazarus.Event.onWinUnload, true);
- Lazarus.Event.progressListener.cleanup();
- Lazarus.Event.fire("window-unload");
- }
- }
- /**
- * check for uninstall events
- */
- //ref: http://xulsolutions.blogspot.com/2006/07/creating-uninstall-script-for.html
- Lazarus.Event.nsIObserverService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
- Lazarus.Event.observer = {
- //dictionary of extensions waiting to be uninstalled
- extensionsToBeUninstalled : {},
- //array of events to observe
- topics : {
- //final application window is closing
- "quit-application-granted" : function(subject, data){
- Lazarus.Event.fire("application-shutdown");
- for (var extId in Lazarus.Event.observer.extensionsToBeUninstalled){
- if (Lazarus.Event.observer.extensionsToBeUninstalled[extId]){
- Lazarus.Event.fire("extension-uninstall", extId);
- }
- }
- },
- //extension manager actions (install/uninstall/uninstallrequest)
- "em-action-requested" : function(subject, data){
- //convert subject into something we can access
- subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem);
- switch (data){
- case "item-uninstalled":
- Lazarus.Event.fire("extension-uninstall-request", subject);
- Lazarus.Event.observer.extensionsToBeUninstalled[subject.id] = true;
- break;
- case "item-cancel-action":
- Lazarus.Event.fire("extension-uninstall-cancel", subject);
- Lazarus.Event.observer.extensionsToBeUninstalled[subject.id] = false;
- break;
- default:
- //other extension manager event
- }
- }
- },
- //handle observe event
- observe : function(subject, topic, data){
- this.topics[topic](subject, data);
- },
- //start observing
- register : function() {
- for (topic in this.topics){
- Lazarus.Event.nsIObserverService.addObserver(this, topic, false);
- }
- },
- //stop observing
- unregister : function() {
- for (topic in this.topics){
- Lazarus.Event.nsIObserverService.removeObserver(this, topic);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * nsIProgressListener
- */
- Lazarus.Event.progressListener = {
- QueryInterface: function(aIID){
- if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
- aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
- aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)){
- return this;
- }
- else {
- throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
- }
- },
- onLocationChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aURI){
- Lazarus.Event.fire("location-change", aURI);
- },
- //unused
- onStateChange: function(){},
- onProgressChange: function(){},
- onStatusChange: function(){},
- onSecurityChange: function(){},
- onLinkIconAvailable: function(){},
- init: function(){
- gBrowser.addProgressListener(Lazarus.Event.progressListener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT);
- },
- cleanup: function(){
- gBrowser.removeProgressListener(Lazarus.Event.progressListener);
- }
- }
- /**
- * add event handlers to this window
- */
- Lazarus.Event.init = function(){
- window.addEventListener("load", Lazarus.Event.onWinLoad, false);
- window.addEventListener("unload", Lazarus.Event.onWinUnload, true);
- Lazarus.Event.observer.register();
- //cleanup if we're closing
- window.addEventListener("unload", function(){
- Lazarus.Event.observer.unregister();
- }, false);
- }